Privacy Policy

You can use the services of Shenzhen Bell Creative Science and Education Co., Ltd. and its affiliates (hereinafter referred to as "Bell" or "We/us") through several different ways, such as purchasing hardware products, or using software products, services, etc. on different terminals. If you are willing to share any information with us, we can provide you with better services, such as displaying more relevant product updates and advertisements, helping you to connect with others, or more easily and quickly sharing content with others. For this purpose, we will explain to you the ways in which we collect and use the information and the ways in which you can protect your privacy. Your following acts, including registering an account, providing us with relevant information (including personal information and non-personal information), visiting our websites, using our products or services, or clicking on the relevant "Confirm" buttons, or any of your other acts that can be deemed as you have made a “consent” in the manners that can be reasonably understood as you have shown such a “consent”, will be deemed as your acceptance and consent to this Privacy Policy, and your consent that Bell is entitled to collect, store, process, disclose, share and use your personal information and other non-personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy explains:

  1. What information we collect.
  2. How we collect and use information.
  3. How you selectively provide this information, and how you access and update this information.
  4. The scope of application of the policy on the sharing, transfer and security of information and on the privacy, the collection and use of children's personal information, and the revision of Privacy Policy.
  5. Practices about specific products and services.

1. Information we will collect

We may collect your two types of information: personal information (data that relates to a specific natural person, that can be used alone or in combination with other information to identify such a specific natural person), and non-personal information (data other than personal information). If we correlate non-personal information with personal information through technical means and combine them, such information will be treated as personal information during the period in which the above information remains combined.

2. How we collect and use information

(1) Collection and use of personal information

When you interact with us and our operating partners (including, but not limited to, when you purchase our products or services at stores, visit our websites, social platforms, social networks and mobile applications, or participate in our various activities), you may be asked if you agree to provide certain personal information necessary to use our basic products or services. This personal information may be combined with other information and used to improve our products or services etc. We will collect, process and use your personal information through manual or automated data processing (including the use of databases, cloud data deployment, and big data algorithms). Below are the types of personal information that Bell may collect and some examples that show how we use it.

(2) Collection of personal information

When you create a Bell account, download or update Bell software, participate in an on-line survey, make any complaint to Bell, or participate in other interactions with Bell, we will ask you to provide some personal information, including but not limited to your ID, icon, personal signature, name, occupation, gender, date of birth, ID number, telephone number, zip code, area code, email address, mailing address, income and property status, health status, consumption status, etc.
When you purchase Bell’s products or services, Bell may collect your personal information, including but not limited to delivery details, bank account number, details about your credit cards, billing address, credit check and other financial information, contact and communication records, etc. When you use Bell’s products or services, your log data of usage will be transmitted to and stored in the server.
When you use Bell’s Products to share your content with, and send messages and products to you family members or friends, Bell may collect the personal information you provide about such individuals, such as name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number. Before you provide such information to Bell, you should obtain the consent from the relevant persons. You shall be liable to any liabilities incurred by any legal disputes arising from your provision of the personal information concerning the aforementioned persons to Bell. When you use some services (such as inviting other users to join related services, sharing information with other users, etc.) at your own discretion, other users can see the personal information you share, and they can read, collect or use these messages. You shall be liable to any liabilities incurred by any legal disputes arising from your uploading or sharing of such personal information at your own discretion, When you access the Bell’s servers, our servers will automatically record some log information. This type of server log information may contain the following information: IP address, browser type, browser language, referring pages, operating system, date/time stamp, and clickstream data.

(3) Use of personal information

Bell will use your personal information in strict compliance with the provisions stated in this Privacy Policy and its updates. Your personal information will only be used for the purposes that have been specified and approved by you at the time of collection. Otherwise, we will tell you clearly the purposes other than those in advance and seek your consent through the means as agreed in this Privacy Policy or otherwise. Our use of collected personal information and the legal bases include: to provide you with Bell's products and services; to process your orders or to fulfill your contract with Bell; to establish and manage your Bell Account to ensure the functions and safety of our products and services; to identify and verify your identity; to prevent and investigate (if any) fraud or other improper use; to comply with legal requirements (for example, to comply with applicable accounting rules, to fulfill mandatory disclosure requirements of law enforcement authorities); to safeguard our legitimate interests (for example, to manage our relationship with you, to ensure the security of our services, to communicate with you regarding our products and services); and the consent of our customers will be sought prior to any use of the personal information (for example, to render cookies, and to share your information with any third parties for the purposes of advertisement). The personal information we collect will be used to provide you with information and services. The personal information we collect may be used to develop our products and services, to operate, evaluate and improve our business (for instance, to develop new products and services; to enhance and improve our services; to manage communications; to perform product analysis and data analysis; to implement Accounting, auditing and other internal functions). However, in general, we use only comprehensive information and statistical information for these purposes. The personal information we collect may be used to communicate with you, for example, to notify you of Bell’s products or services the first time they are updated or published. If you expressly refuse the notification, Bell will stop sending you any commercial information. The personal information we collect may be used for customizing the design of products and provide you with more personalized services, such as recommending or displaying any content and advertisement tailor-made for you in our services, or used for investigating . If you participate in any lottery events, contests, programs, questionnaires or similar promotions organized by Bell, we may use the personal information you provide to us to manage and promote such activities. We may also use this information to improve our products and analyze the efficiency of our business operations. However, we will not use this information to track your position. We are entitled to collect and use your personal information based on laws and regulations, relevant industry standards and our policies. We are entitled to collect and use your personal information for other legitimate purposes and for the purposes in connection with Bell’s products or services. We are entitled to use your personal information in other ways as told to you at the time we collect it.

(4) Collection and use of non-personal information

At the same time, in order to operate and improve Bell's technology and services, Bell may collect and use your non-personal information at its own discretion, which will help Bell provide you with a better user experience and improve Bell's service quality. Below are some examples of non-personal information that we may collect and that shows how we use it.

  • Collection of non-personal information

    Language and time zone information - When you create a Bell account, download Bell software and updates, participate in on-line surveys, or participate in other interactions with Bell, we may collect information such as your language and the time zone in which Bell products are used.
    Mobile phone information - When you use any application, in order to determine whether the phone supports it, we need to get such information as the operating system and its version, brand and model of your mobile phone.
    Information collected by Cookies and other technologies – Bell's website, on-line services, applications, e-mail messages, and advertisements may use cookies and other technologies such as pixel tags and web beacons to collect and store your non-personal information.
    Device information - When you use and activate the hardware of Mabot robot for the first time, the hardware's unique device ID and firmware version will be sent to the server. The provisions mentioned above may also apply to occasions when you update your system or software, and restore factory settings, and so on.
    Debug log information - When you choose to upload a debug log to help us analyze the problem, your application debug log file will be sent to the server.

  • Use of non-personal information

    The non-personal information we collect, such as language and the time zone in which Bell products are used, can help us better understand users’ behavior and improve our products, services and advertisement. We use information that is collected through cookies or other technologies (such as pixel tags) to bring you a better user experience and improve our overall service quality. For example, by saving your language preferences, we can display our services in your preferred language. We can send e-mails in a readable format to you so that you can tell us if the e-mails can be open. We may use this information to reduce the sending of emails to users or not to send emails to users.

3. How users selectively provide information

Everyone has their own concerns about privacy rights. In view of this, we will clearly point out the way we collect information so that you can choose the way you provide the information. You can modify your browser's settings to reject or accept cookies according to your needs, or you can delete them from your storage devices at any time, or ask the browser to notify you at the time the cookies are to be planted in the browser. All or part of our service operations will be completed in China. For international users, no matter where you live, you agree that Bell is allowed to transfer, process and store your personal data in China and Bell is allowed to collect and use personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

4. The scope of application of the policy on the sharing, transfer and security of information and on the privacy, the collection and use of children's personal information, and the revision of Privacy Policy

(1) Sharing information with any third parties

Except for the limited sharing as specified in this Privacy Policy, we will keep confidential your personal information and will not share your personal information with any third parties. You hereby authorize us and expressly agree that under following circumstances, we are allowed to share your personal information with any third parties without your prior consent: When required by any legal investigations, lawsuits, enforcement or other legally mandatory regulations or requirements, we are allowed to share any of this personal information with third parties; and we will request but cannot guarantee that such third parties will keep such personal information confidential according to the law. We are allowed to provide any of this personal Information and non-personal information to our affiliates or other trusted data processing entities or data analysis service providers, or other third-party service providers that perform services on our behalf, so that they use manual or automatic methods, use algorithms of databases, cloud data, and/or big data to process related information and provide related services; and we will explicitly stipulate the corresponding provisions of this Privacy Policy in the corresponding contracts and agreements, to require the parties thereto to preserve and process this personal information in accordance with provisions in the contracts, and legal requirements or any other applicable confidentiality and security measures; and we will restrict the above parties from disclosing such personal information. In case we are to be restructured, merged or sold, we will transfer the personal information we collect along with the assets or businesses that are to be restructured, merged, and sold according to related business contracts. Before we transfer any personal information we collect, we will maintain the existing privacy policy to ensure its confidentiality and notify all affected users if any. We will make reasonable efforts to guide any party operating such assets or business to use the personal information provided by you in a manner consistent with this Privacy Policy; After such restructure, merger, or sale occurs, you can contact related parties that continue to operate the relevant assets or businesses to ask for information of such personal information; you agree that other third parties (for example, our social networking platforms) are allowed to share the information they collect with your friends or other users of social networking platforms.

We may share your information under the following situations:

(i) We are obliged to do so as required by laws or legal proceedings,

(ii) The information are disclosed to law enforcement agencies or other government agencies

(iii) When we are convinced that the disclosure of information is necessary or appropriate for avoiding bodily harm or financial loss, or cooperating in the investigation of alleged or actual frauds or other unlawful acts.

We may reasonably share non-personal information that has been processed and pooled together with the public and partners based on the needs of operation or protection of users’ interests, for example, to show trends about the general use of our products or services.

(2) Cross-border transmission of personal information

When we share your personal information with any third parties under the above terms, we may transfer the collected personal information to other countries. There is a possibility that these countries have not implemented the same information protection laws and regulations as China. When we transfer your information to other countries, we will still protect this information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree that we transfer your personal information to another country, please inform us in writing that you refuse to allow us to do so. Our business may require us to transfer your personal information to countries outside the European Economic Area, which may include China or Singapore. We will take appropriate measures to ensure that recipients of your personal information are obliged to keep confidentiality and ensure that measures such as standard contract terms are implemented.

(3) Information security

We will try our best to protect Bell’s users against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of information we hold. We will review the practices of information collection, storage, and processing (including physical security measures and network security measures) to avoid unauthorized access to various systems. We only allow employees of Bell who need to know any of these information to help us process such personal information, and the individuals of service providers who are authorized to process such personal information on behalf of us to access such personal information, provided that they shall be subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations. If they fail to fulfill such obligations, they may hold liable for legal liabilities or their relationship with Bell will be terminated. For us, the security of your information is very important. Therefore, we will continue to work hard to ensure the security of your personal information and implement safeguards such as security encryption during whole process including storage and transmission of your information, to protect it against unauthorized access, use or disclosure. Meanwhile, the specific content of some encrypted data is only allowed to be accessed by users themselves.

(4) Scope of application of this Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy does not apply to the products and/or services of any third parties. The products and/or services of any third parties may be included in our products and services. When you use the products and/or services of any third parties, they may obtain your information.
Moreover, this Privacy Policy does not apply to the collection of data by external websites after you click on any link. Our website may be linked to other websites to facilitate your use of and access to information. These linked websites may operate independently and may have their own privacy notices or policies. Therefore, we remind you to read the privacy policy of any third party operating the website to which the link you have clicked on. We do not make any warrant or assume any liability regarding the acts of obtaining, processing, using, and disclosing your personal information by any third party and its privacy policy, as a result of your use of any products of any third party or acceptance of any services of any third party, or your access to any websites of any third party

(5) Collection and use of children's personal information

Users under the age of 18 can use Bell's products and services, and browse Bell's websites, and so on. However, we recommend that children under the age of 14 use Bell’s products or services under the supervision and guidance of their legal guardians. For a user under the age of 18, if your guardian does not read and understand this privacy policy and not allow you to provide your personal information, you shall not provide personal information to us (except for those collected automatically). Your continued use of this product is deemed that your guardian has read and understood the content of this Privacy Policy and agreed that Bell is allowed to collect, store, process, disclose, share and use your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Bell will not collect the personal information of anyone knowing in advance that he/she is a child, and will not disclose his/her personal information to any third party. The guardian has the right to refuse Bell and its affiliates to further collect his/her ward's personal information, or to ask Bell and its affiliates to delete his/her ward's personal information. If we find that we have inadvertently collected personal information of a child under the age of 18 without having obtained the consent of his/her guardian, we will take appropriate measures to delete such information as soon as possible.

(6) Revision of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy may be revised from time to time. This Privacy Policy may be updated from time to time to reflect changes in policies, laws and regulations on personal information protection. We will indicate the date of the latest updates on the updated Privacy Policy page. Without your explicit consent, we will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy unless we send you a prior notice through the email address provided by you or post an prior announcement on our website. If you are not willing to receive our emails, text messages or telephones, or you want to update your preferences, or ask us to remove your information from the mailing list or make a request to us, please contact us.

5. Practices about specific products and services

The following notes indicate the practices of specific privacy right for certain Bell’s products and services that you may use.

Bell Account Service:

When you use Bell's products, services, and websites (collectively referred to as "Bell Account Services"), the terms of this Privacy Policy will also apply.
With your account, you can use features such as Cloud Synchronization. Once you log into your account, we will collect the number, the international mobile subscriber identification number and the international mobile equipment identity of your mobile phone; and we will combine your non-personal information with your personal information. Such information will be treated as personal information during the period in which the above information remains combined. You further agree that Bell is allowed to collect, use, transmit, process, disclose, and maintain information related to your account and any information related to any device or computer registered under your account for the purpose of providing you with this service and any of its functions. The information collected by Bell when you use this service may also include any technical, statistical or diagnostic information in connection with or arising from your use of such service, which Bell may use to support, improve and enhance Bell's products and services. In the event that the use of your information is based on your consent, you are entitled to withdraw this consent at any time by simply not using the functions of Bell's account and closing the Bell account on your device and computer, without prejudice to the legitimacy of data processing based on consent prior to withdrawal. Under applicable laws, you are entitled to reject or restrict the processing of your personal information and to claim your rights to access, correct, and delete your personal information and the right to data portability. You can submit your request to and we will receive it. In case that you find that your information is changed or inaccurate, please notify us of these changes so that our records can be updated or corrected. In case that you think that our use of your personal data constitutes a violation of any applicable law, you can lodge a complaint to competent regulatory authorities. The retention time of your personal data by us is based on the need to provide you with services or products, or based on the requirements or permits of applicable laws such as tax laws and accountancy laws.

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